We offer a variety of general and sector-specific services and benefits to our members and visitors in Nigeria.
Nigeria is Germany’s 2nd preferred business destination in Sub-Sahara Africa, whilst Germany is Nigeria’s 6th largest trading partner worldwide. Through our close partnership and relations with the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce (AHK, Nigeria), NGCC members have access to the AHK’s (German Chambers of Commerce abroad) in 120 locations in 80 countries on five continents while AHK Nigeria has access to over 400 Member companies in Nigeria.
A German company interested in the Nigerian market may be looking to:

Explore and discover the huge potential of the Nigerian economy

Gather market information and due diligence for a commercial and businesses venture or a Government funded project

Carry out a fact-finding mission

Set up a company
A Nigerian company may be looking to:

Explore and find business partnerships in Germany

Travel for Medical, Culture, Education or Tourism

The NGCC hosts incoming trade missions for international businesses wishing to visit Nigeria, explore business opportunities and discover the advantages of doing business in Nigeria.
Services Includes:
- Organisational and logistical support
- Local market intelligence
- Customised program development
- Matchmaking and introduction
- Industry tours and site visits
- Post-mission follow-up support