Press conference for EMO Hannover 2023: Get Insights and Make Informed Decisions
The Nigerian-German Chamber of Commerce has joined forces with Nachwuchsstiftung Maschinenbau gGmbH and VDMA-Initiative to provide support for EMO Hannover 2023. As the world’s premier trade fair for production technology, EMO Hannover 2023 is scheduled to be held from September 18 to 23, 2023, in Hannover, Germany, under the theme “Innovate Manufacturing”. The event will showcase the latest technological, strategic, and organizational trends in international production, offering visitors a comprehensive overview of the latest technology offerings from exhibitors representing all countries manufacturing production technology.
The previous edition of EMO Hannover in 2019 attracted around 120,000 trade visitors from 150 countries, indicating the event’s global reach and popularity among manufacturing professionals worldwide. To create more awareness and attract participants to the trade fair, the organizers plan to hold roadshows in a few countries, including Nigeria.
In partnership with the Nigerian-German Chamber of Commerce, a press conference is scheduled to take place on the 30th of May 2023 to further inform the Nigerian business community about the event and how they can participate. If you are interested in attending or need more information, kindly send an email to comms@ngcc-ng.com. EMO Hannover 2023 promises to be an exciting event that will foster innovation, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among manufacturing professionals from around the world, and we encourage Nigerian businesses to participate.